What is Apologetics?

Christian apologetics is a branch of Christian theology that defends Christianity. The word apologetics comes from the Ancient Greek word "Apologia", this word simply means to give a defence. We as Christians are instructed to be able to give a defence for our faith and hope in Christ in 1 Peter 3:15. We are all instructed to be apologists and know apologetics for our hope in Christ. This resource is dedicated to help you do that.

Why it matters?
Point 1

It Evangelizes

I know this to be true because I (the founder of Evidence That Saves) became a Christian because of it. Countless others have been evangelized because of apologetics.

Why it matters?
Point 2

Apologetics Gives Strength to Those Who Are Already Believers

This is one of the main purposes of apologetics. It helps equip those who feel like they can’t defend their faith to nonbelievers. It also gives them strength to love God better, because he does exist, and isn’t just a figment of their imagination.

Why it matters?
Point 3

Apologetics Exposes the Intellectual Reasons for Being a Christian

This dismisses the cultural idea that Christianity is just a feeling crutch for those who feel sad. This also brings more Christians to study their faith and find encouragement the deeper they study.

Why it matters?
Point 4

Apologetics Affirms Scripture as the Word of God

This gives believers the ability to read the Bible knowing it has been inspired by God. This makes all scripture actually profitable for teaching, for correction, for training in righteousness, so they can be equipped for every good work.

Why it matters?
Point 5

It Pushes us to Live out our Beliefs

An understanding that God actually exists, that even though you deserved the wrath of God, God still loved you so much, that he died for you on the cross, to pay the penalty for your sins. Surely knowing these things to be true ought to cause us to worship God better. To propel us to do every good work commanded to us.