This website is designed as a tool to bless believers and nonbelievers. The reason it was made is because the founder of the organization Evidence That Saves; saw that apologetics was reaching people mostly through speaking events, the occasional online video, or books.

We believe that apologetics need to be systemized in a resource that encompasses all known reasons to be a Christian and in a format that is simple, easily accessible, and in all forms of presenting which would be in video, audio, and written. We believe this has been done by us in all forms on this website, and other various platforms we are on, and we will continue to update new evidence for Christianity until we have them all here.

This organization recognizes itself as a multi denominational unity among many protestant churches. We do not recognize in unity with the catholic church, the orthodox church (oriental as well), progressive churches, or known protestant cults such as the LDS church.



Born in 2002 in Canada, Brennan is the founder of Evidence That Saves. He founded the idea for the organization, contributed a large sum of the research, designed the logo and other styling across the social media and website. He continues to manage as both owner of the website and main publisher of the filming, posts, and research added onto the website, and social media platforms. Brennan identifies as part of the Reformed Baptist tradition. He created this organization since he saw a need for apologetics to reach the multitude of people, because God used apologetics to change his life, he believes it can do the same for others.