The Disciples Were Influenced By Limited Spiritual Sightings

Common Skeptic Claims

Could the disciples have been influenced by limited spiritual sightings?

A newer explanation against the resurrection of Jesus is to claim this theory: “One or two of the disciples had a vision of the risen Christ and then convinced the others that these spiritual sightings were legitimate, any additional sightings came as a response to the intense influence of the first vision”.

Here is why this is a very poor explanation:


P1: The theory fails to account for the numerous, divergent, and separate group sightings of Jesus that are recorded in the Gospels. These sightings are described specifically with great detail. It’s not reasonable to believe that all of these disciples could provide such specified detail, if they were simply repeating something they didn’t see for themselves.


P2: As many as five hundred people were said to be available to testify to their observations of the risen Christ. Could all of these people been influenced to imagine their own observations of Jesus? It’s not reasonable to believe that a persuader equally persuaded all these followers even though they didn’t see anything recorded.  (1st Corinthians 15:6)


6 Then he appeared to over five hundred brothers and sisters at one time; most of them are still alive, but some have fallen asleep.  -- 1 Corinthians 15:6 (CSB)


P3: This explanation fails to account for the empty tomb or the missing corpse.


C: These evidences directly oppose the idea that the disciples had been influenced limited spiritual sightings. It is unreasonable to make this claim.


Source: J Warner Wallace