Jesus And The Postal Argument

Prophetic/Timing Arguments

Why do Timing Arguments Matter?


Timing arguments matter because they show God's perfect knowledge and intelligience. If God really did visit the earth in human form it would be prudent for him to choose an efficient timing to appear to us. In order to act most efficiently with free humans, he would have to appear in the perfect timing to get his message across, if Jesus passes this test, that serves as evidence for Jesus being God. 


Roman Mail


              If God wanted to spread his message most effectively, he would most likely pick a time period in where his followers could pass on messages and documents very well. It would have been very difficult for Jesus’ teachings and the early church’s communication to occur if their ability to receive letters and documents wasn’t adequate.



              Before 2000 BCE: No postal service existed before 2000 BCE and only communication between word of mouth and hand to hand exchange could occur. Had Jesus arrived before this period it would have been Impossible to have the collection of letters from the apostles that make up the new testament. This would have made it very difficult to apply correction or affirmation to the early churches.


              1700 - 30 BCE: The Persians developed the first postal system that allowed for ancient Persian kings to communicate between each other, it was a relatively primitive system until the leadership of King Cyrus and King Darius which created a mail system from Iran to western Burma.


In China, a system for delivering mail emerged for delivering official government mail in 1122 BCE but the system was limited regionally and was only at the disposal of government officials.


In India, during the Mauryan empire era, a mail system was developed to transmit military and political intelligence but was not open for use by the general public.


Finally, Greece developed a mail system during 323 BCE - 30 BCE which relied heavily on private couriers.


If Jesus had appeared in this timeline, none of these systems would have benefited him or his followers beyond the limited regions each nation occupied. Most of these nations wouldn’t have worked well for Jesus’ low class followers to send letters.


              30 - 25 BCE: Augustus created a mail service during this period called the cursus publicus. It was the most advanced mail system on the planet at the time. It transmitted messages, tax information, and officials mail from distant provinces to Rome and vice versa. The system was also fast and reliable and had the ability to reach beyond borders.


Jesus appeared during the period of this postal system which gave himself and his followers access to the best way to communicate between the early church with letters, which eventually compiled the new testament. Since Jesus appeared at the perfect time to transmit his messages quickly and reliably, christianity was able to flourish, and this becomes evidence of God's design for his incarnation.


Source: J Warner Wallace