Paul/Saul Arguement


The existence of Saul/Paul provides evidence for Christianity


Pauls existence is undeniable as a historical person because he was mentioned by Clement (AD 95) and Peter {AD 60) mentioned Paul.  Ignatius, Polycarp, and many other late first century and early second century writers mentioned Paul. He is also the known author of many new testament books. We know for certain that Paul wrote at least thirteen letters that are included in the New Testament. Scholars have debated whether or not Hebrews was written by Paul; if Paul wrote Hebrews, that would make his total contribution to the Bible fourteen books.


Since there is great evidence of Pauls existence, he must have in fact existed.


Pauls story


Paul was a verily active believer in judaism. Paul was a powerful pharisee who would put christians to death for professing Jesus as the messiah, he saw christianity as heretical and an enemy to his faith. Paul did not approve of Christianity in the slightest.


Paul later claimed to have an experience where he saw Jesus appear to him, and took a 180 degree turn on his belief about Jesus and his followers, after this experience.


Paul went from being the most extreme terrorist towards Christians to being the most extremely believing Christian in the new testament. He chose to lose all of his power, wealth, and influence to serve Jesus and help build the early church. It is early documented outside of the bible that Paul even chose to be martyred after his fifth missionary journey, and he did this all for the faith he originally believed to be nothing more than a heresy.


Pauls conversion is evidence for Christianity


As you must know, it is almost a miracle when someone changes their beliefs about anything. You can have “die hard” car lovers who no matter what you tell them about the car they love, nothing is going to change their mind. Paul is a very similar case. It took Jesus appearing to Paul to change his mind on what he believed. Since this unlikely person in history converted to the most unlikely belief, it gives a case for christianity here.


Since Paul existed, and he had such an extreme change in his beliefs after an encounter with Jesus which he died for; gives us evidence for Jesus’ testimony.


Timothy Keller